Let's begin with a bit about my background. Some years ago, I was diagnosed with a progressive muscle-wasting disability, leading to significant lifestyle changes. Previously, my primary interest was DIY , tackling various home improvement projects. Unfortunately, as my condition worsened, I had to relinquish this hobby and ultimately opted for early retirement.
However, I refused to surrender, discovering new interests and drawing inspiration from my mother, affectionately called Kaki. Encouraged by her, and tracing back to my grandmother's influence, I ventured into crafting. Starting with card-making and exploring diverse techniques, I continued to learn new crafts, amassing a collection of various artistic works.
Now, I'd like to share my creations from the past few years and offer you the opportunity to purchase items on sale. More importantly, I invite you to acquire custom-made, handmade pieces of art for yourself, as gifts for your loved ones, or for use at any events you might be organising.